Forbes Advocate

Hipster beards and their bacteria may be the cure to find new antibiotics

By Will Willitts
Updated February 16 2016 - 10:08am, first published February 5 2016 - 8:44am
The bacteria found in men's beards may lead to new antibiotics at a time when scientists are trying to find medicine for new mutating diseases.
The bacteria found in men's beards may lead to new antibiotics at a time when scientists are trying to find medicine for new mutating diseases.
The bacteria found in men's beards may lead to new antibiotics at a time when scientists are trying to find medicine for new mutating diseases. Photo: istock
The bacteria found in men's beards may lead to new antibiotics at a time when scientists are trying to find medicine for new mutating diseases. Photo: istock

As the use of antibiotics leads to resistance to some bacteria, scientists strive to find new medicines to treat emerging, mutating infections. And it looks like hipsters may have the answer.

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