
A diet of just the bad stuff is killing our kids

Amanda Vanstone
July 21 2022 - 5:30am
Australia should do more to reduce emissions, but whatever we do on our own will make little difference globally. Picture: Shutterstock
Australia should do more to reduce emissions, but whatever we do on our own will make little difference globally. Picture: Shutterstock

Our national conversation is in a very bad way. It's bad for us and very bad for oncoming generations. Young people today have an incredibly rough life. They start out being mollycoddled and then end up facing the harsh realities of life. Permanent parental presence has ensured they don't face any of it in early life.

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Amanda Vanstone

Amanda Vanstone is a former senator for South Australia, a former Howard government minister, and a former ambassador to Italy. She writes fortnightly for ACM.